European Commission

·         28/07/2010



Alternatives to animal testing for cosmetics: public consultation launched

The Directorate-General for Health and Consumers launched a public consultation on a draft "Report on alternative (non-animal) methods for cosmetic testing: current status and future prospects – 2010".


The draft report has been drawn up by working groups of experts. The experts have been nominated by different stakeholders and by the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM), hosted by the EC-JRC's Institute for Health and Consumer Protection.


Comments from the public are now solicited on five chapters covering repeated dose toxicity, skin sensitisation, carcinogenicity, toxicokinetics and reproductive toxicity. The report shall provide the state of the art with regard to the scientific basis for alternative testing for these and an estimate when the scientific knowledge will be available to have test methods that could enter ECVAM (pre-) validation. Factual information, amending/complementing the information contained in the reports is sought for as well as justified comments on the expert's time estimates.


Based on the final report, the European Commission will inform the European Parliament and the Council on the availability of alternatives in relation to testing for the three types of health-related effects (repeated-dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity and toxicokinetics) covered by the 2013 deadline in the Cosmetics Regulation concerning the marketing ban of cosmetics containing substances tested on animals, and on the future prospects for the development of such alternatives.



Target group: All citizens and organisations can contribute


Period of consultation: 23 July - 15 October 2010


Expected publication date of the final report: end of 2010/early 2011


Documentation accessDraft Report on Alternative Methods for Cosmetics Testing 



In Vitro Methods Unit/ECVAM
Institute for Health & Consumer Protection (IHCP)
European Commission - Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC)

ECVAM website: