Call for raters supporting the project: "Development of a
quality assessment tool for toxicological data"
ECVAM as part of the Institute for Health and
Consumer Protection (IHCP), European Commission – DG JRC, is
currently carrying out a project developing a tool to assess the
(inherent) quality of in vitro and in vivo toxicological data.
Such an assessment aims to determine data reliability -
independent of the relevance of the evaluation purpose. The aim
of the project is to devise a scoring tool to check the
essential information necessary to determine the inherent
quality of data in an unambiguous and transparent way. The
results of this project will facilitate and harmonise this first
pivotal step of data evaluation. It is intended to share the
final outcome with the scientific community.
For more information follow this link:
Call for raters
In case of questions or if you would like to express your
interest, please contact:
European Commission - Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC)
Institute for Health & Consumer Protection (IHCP)
European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM)