4.2. Informative activities One of the main objectives of the REMA is to secure the maximum diffusion of information concerning initiatives in the field of alternative methodology in both Spain and elsewhere. In this sense, the electronic option appears most appropriate. The internet and electronic mail can be ideal vehicles for rapid, inexpensive and effective communication. As an information network is already in place through the e-mail option established by the Working Group Specialized in Alternative Methods of the Spanish Association of Toxicology (WGSAM)(Grupo de Trabajo Especializado en Métodos Alternativos de la Sociedad Española de Toxicología, GTEMA) - through which some one hundred experts in Spain and other countries receive last-minute information - it is the unanimous criterion of the Commission to take advantage of this effective vehicle, integrating it as the official means of diffusion of the REMA. Based on the present structure, the new bulletin of the REMA will include the following fixed sections: a) Information on Congresses, Meetings, Workshops, Seminaries, etc. b) Formative courses organized by members of the REMA. c) News concerning legislative matters. d) Calls addressing research grants and scholarships for work in alternative methods. e) Suggestions. f) Exchange of information, help, cooperation, etc.
The idea is for the exchange of
information to be an eminently interactive process. The bulletin will be
systematically distributed via e-mail to those interested. To this effect it
will suffice to contribute the required e-mail address to the current GTEMA
distribution list. Those interested in the REMA should contact Dr. Repetto,
who is in charge of its electronic network (