6.2. Relations with the Administration

Further objectives of the REMA include the establishment of fluid cooperation with the corresponding Administrative organs in those subjects directly related to the development, validation and application (legal recognition) of alternative methods. The REMA also offers the possibility of scientific counseling in the field of alternative methodology.

 A fluid relation exists with the Subdirectory Board of Environmental Health of the Ministry of Health and Consumption (MHC)(Subdirección de Sanidad Ambiental del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, MSyC), in charge of the coordination of Methods of the OCDE and European Union, and with the Service of Cosmetic Products, General Subdirectory Board for Pharmaceutical Products of the Ministry of Health and Consumption (Servicio de Productos Cosméticos, Subdirección General de Productos Farmacéuticos del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo). Furthermore, it is our express desire to extend such relations to those responsible for alternative methods in the Ministries of the Environment, Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and Industry and Energy (among others) - without neglecting the corresponding autonomic entities. The representatives of the Administration should be able to form part of the REMA, either as observers or in the manner deemed most appropriate in each case. The Administration should perceive the existence of a serious communications channel in the REMA, as well as a source of counseling on those topics related to alternative methods. In turn, the REMA aims to recompile the legislation in both the national and Autonomous Community context, and in the setting of the European Union, in matters of development, validation and implantation of alternative methods.

 In the context of relations with the Administration, the REMA also wishes to establish ties and dialogue with the Subdirectory Board for International Relations of the Interministerial Commission for Science and Technology (ICST)(Subdirección de Relaciones Internacionales de la Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología, CICyT) and with the Health Research Fund (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, FIS) in those aspects relevant to the REMA.